Vision and Mission Statement
OUR VISION: Build lifelong relationships and forever friendships through compassion, caring, and serving.
OUR MISSION: To Be Others-Minded By Serving Our Customers & Employees – Striving For Excellence. To be the “first, and only” name that people think of when it comes to replacement windows and doors in Sarasota, Manatee, and Charlotte Counties.
- Always strive for excellence.
- Provide the best customer experience in all areas.
- Never accept “It’s good enough”.
- We honor our commitment to the customer and our teammates.
- Keep the communication lines open.
- “There is no such thing as over communicating”.
- Be accountable to each other.
- Build relationships and friendships.
- Honor each other, whether it’s our customer or your teammate.
- One of the team may stumble or fall down, but be quick to pick them up, with encouragement, and leading.
- We are all here to serve our customers.
- Make it an experience that they will share with others.
- Enjoy being here and want to be here.
- Spend time outside of work to continue team building.
- Be proud of being part of this team.